
Acne treatment Subcision Fractional CO2 RF microneedling

Often Acne improve within several years without treatment. Acne disfigure the skin & upset the patients mentally. Untreated pimples can lead to scars & marks. To avoid Acne scars & marks, treating pimples early is important. No single treatment will give permanent cure. Treatment should be taken whenever Acne appear. Dermatologist can improve Acne scars, either medically or surgically.

General Measures

Wash the face with any ordinary soap (or face wash or cleanser) & water 3-4 times per day, as this will help in removing the facial oil, & there by unblock the pores reduce  Acne.

Do not use basin powder for washing the face, as does not remove the oil. It is used for dry skin.

To use minimal cosmetics-only water based cosmetics-oil free cosmetics. Wash the cosmetics before going to bed with mild cleanser.

Regular shampooing the scalp hairs with any ordinary shampoo will reduce the dandruff & they’re by helps in reducing the Acne.

Avoid squeezing the Acne as it can lead to scars & marks.

Regular steaming the face will help in opening the pores, there by reduces the Acne.

Avoid oil massage or leaving oil on scalp whole night or just before bath as this will lead to more Acne on forehead 7 back

Avoid the aggravating factors for Acne

Any kind of food can be consumed (nothing in excess). Obese patients should avoid high glycemic index food (like maida items, chocolates, sweets etc ) in excess.

Well balanced,healthy, nutritious diet, (more of vegetables & fruits) definitely gives a good glowing skin.

Specific Treatment

There are various creams & gels available to apply on skin, to reduce Acne.

Peeling agents such as Tretinoin, Adapalene gel, Benzyl Peroxide will remove the upper layers of the skin, unblock the pores, and there by reduce black, white heads, & pustules. Your dermatologist will advise you about correct usage and how to handle their side effects.

Antibiotic creams such Clindamycin, Clarithromycin will reduce the bacteria & there by reduce the  red boils & pustules.

Before starting any medication, even topical medications, inform your doctor if you are pregnant or nursing, or if you are trying to get pregnant.

Oral Antibiotics (Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Minocycline), Dapsone are given for moderate to severe pimples.

In cases of unresponsive or severe acne, isotretinoin may be used. Patients using isotretinoin must understand the side effects of this drug. Monitoring with frequent follow-up visits is necessary.

In women with moderate to severe pimples, anti-male Hormone tablets, oral contraceptive tablets can be used to control Acne.

In women while taking any oral medications for Acne, pregnancy must be prevented up to the period as advised by your dermatologist.

All medications are to be taken under strict supervision of the doctor.

Treatments available to reduce pimples faster are

Comedo extraction to remove black & white heads.

Cryoslush & light chemical peels with salicylic acid or glycolic acid help to unblock the pores, open the blackheads and whiteheads, and stimulate new skin growth.

Surgical Treatment for Pimple scars

For all depressed scars we prime the skin with topical glycolic acid cream & tretinoin cream initially for few weeks as it will help to prime the scars for further surgeries & also elevate the depressed scar at least 20-30%.


For Depressed shallow scars 

Subcision surgery under local anaesthesia to elevate the depressed scar. Followed by Fractional Co2 Laser, RF Microneedling or Dermapen (4-6 sittings)


For Depressed deeper or Punched out or Ice pick scars

Punch Flotation or Punch Excison under local anaesthesia, or TCA Cross followed by Co2 Fractional Laser, RF Microneedling or Dermapen (4-6 sittings)


Combination of these surgeries will improve the pimple scars.


Acne are not curable, but it is controllable; proper treatment helps you to  look better and may prevent scars. Proper skin care by the patient is important to prevent Acne.


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