
What is Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)?

What is Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)?

The human blood is made of 3 components namely RBC, WBC & Platelets.

PRP is a concentrate of platelet-rich plasma protein obtained from whole blood by a process called centrifugation, thereby removing the red blood cells. It has a greater concentration of growth factors than the whole blood.


How does PRP work?

Platelets contain granules which contain clotting and growth factors. During the healing process, the platelets are activated and aggregate together. They then release the granules which contain growth factors which stimulate the inflammatory cascade and healing process. PRP contains greater concentration of growth factors which stimulate the hair follicles, collagen tissue, blood vessels thereby helping in hair growth, tissue growth which in turn helps in giving tight glowing skin. PRP by stimulating collagen tissue improves the facial skin scars, skin tone & sagging of the facial skin. PRP by stimulating the blood vessels improves the skin ulcers.


Which skin problems can be treated with PRP?

Acne scars

Traumatic Scars

Stretch marks


Alopecia Areata (patchy hair loss)


Skin rejuvenation


How is PRP therapy performed?

Patient must be free of anti-platelet drugs like aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for at least two weeks prior to the procedure.

Patient has to arrive 1 ½ hours before your treatment. After cleansing the skin, numbing gel is applied to the area to be treated.  After an hour, the numbing gel will be removed; skin is cleaned with antiseptic solution. Around 10 ml of patient’s blood is drawn and centrifuged to separate the platelets, thereby obtaining Platelet rich plasma of 3 ml.                                                                                                                     Multiple injections of PRP at the amount of 0.05-0.1 ml/cm 2 are injected over the affected area using a thin small needle at every centimetre. These injections are tiny pricks which cause little pain for few minutes only. PRP can be combined with Dermaroller or Dermapen.


What is the Downtime of PRP?

PRP injection may bring about the possibility of developing a tiny pin prick wound especially on the needle’s entry point. Other than that, the face may also swell slightly. Absorption with PRP is achieved in as little as 24 hours. With all of these taken into account, it can be said that PRP injection downtime can range anywhere from 24 to 72 hours. After such time, the patient can go back to their usual routines.




What are the possible complications of PRP?

As the patient’s own blood is used, there will be hardly any side effects. Skin infections rarely seen.


 What are the Post operative measures?

For PRP on face, patient has to use sunscreen SPF 50+every 4th hourly, avoid sunlight strictly, and use scarf, dupatta, cap, wide brimmed hat while going out in sunlight. Patient has to keep the skin clean & dry, use antiseptic creams for 5-7 days.


 When will I see results?

PRP works by causing your skin to rebuild old and damaged cells, thus the results are not immediate and depend upon the speed at which your body responds. Typically, improvements are noticed 4-8 weeks after a session. 3 or more sessions are required to see significant results.


 How many sessions one will require with PRP?

It depends on the indication being treated and also on the patient.

For baldness PRP is done once a month for 3 months initially, followed by once in 3 months for 4 times.

For Skin rejuvenation, PRP can be done once a month for 3 months.

For acne scars, PRP is usually combined with other modalities like scar Subcision, RF micro needling.






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