
Ring Worm Or Tinea Or Fungal Infection of Skin

What is Ring worm infection or Tinea?

Tinea is a very common fungal infection of the superficial layer of skin caused by superficial fungal elements (dermatophytes) of various strains.


When do you get Tinea ?

It is usually seen in adults but can be seen in any age, including childeren whose skin resistance is weak.

People get Tinea infection by sharing clothes, towels, bed, & due to skin to skin contact from an infected person.

Children get the infection of the scalp from other children due to overcrowded classes or vans, buses.

In adults this infection commonly spreads while using Gym & swimming pool (by sharing common area), dirty village ponds & tanks, or sharing towels, clothes, soaps, sleeping in crowded hostels. Toe fungal infection happen by using socks & shoes for long time (Athletes foot) or walking bare foot.


Why do you get Tinea?

It is a common contagious skin infection which can occur at any age. The fungus enters the skin via direct contact with the source of infection. Source of infection can be human beings or pets like cat dog, cattle which is carrying the fungal infection.

Sweating promotes the fungal infection in people with low skin resistance. Sweating is more in hot & humid weather & people who wear tight fitting clothes.

Low skin resistance is seen in diabetes, obesity, immune suppression due to medications or malignancy, poor nutrition, bad lifestyle etc.


How does Tinea infection look like?

Tinea is seen as red to dark itchy patches with dry skin flaking on the surface. They start as small rashes and increase in size to attain round shaped patches involving the surrounding surface of skin.


Where do you see it?

These are seen commonly on thighs, toe space, groin area, buttocks, under the breasts, underarms, and even face.

In children with Tinea, the rashes are usually seen as bald patches or patches of brittle hair on the scalp. Severe form of this infection (Kerion,Favus) can also cause a soft, foul smelling, painful swelling over the surface of scalp. This type of infection is uncommon in adults.


General information about Tinea:

There are 3 different species of the dermatophytes causing tinea.(Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton)

It is highly contagious and can affect people of any age group, yet it doesn’t harm the body or affect the internal organs, as it is a superficial skin infection affecting the dead skin.

It is not hereditary. It is contagious, spreads easily from one person to other.


What are the aggravating factors?

Tinea infection aggravates due to sweating, tight fitting clothes, low personal hygiene, alcohol & tobacco addiction & people with low skin resistance.

Recently it has become a big epidemic due to incomplete or partial treatment & rampant self medication with the use of steroid creams like Tenovate, Betnovate, Cosvate , Quadriderm, Panderm, Dermi-5 etc.


How do you confirm it?

Skin specialist can easily confirm it with the characteristic round shaped patches over the body. Diagnosis can be confirmed by a simple KOH preparation from the scales of the infection


Does infection need to be treated?

Since the infection tends to spread easily from one part of the body to other & from one person to another, it has to be treated early. It has to be treated early to prevent it going out of control in people with weakened immune system. All the family members suffering should be advised to take treatment at the same time to prevent re- infections.


How is Tinea treated?

The treatment options are oral antifungal tablets and topical antifungal creams under strict dermatologist supervision. The dose of the medicines should be properly calculated according to the body weight of the patient and key factor in treatment is completing the full course of treatment as advised by the doctor.

Incomplete treatment or failure to follow up with the doctor can lead to the infection becoming resistant and flaring up again.


Tips to prevent spreading:

Daily bath in morning & night & dry the skin properly before wearing the clothes

Wear loose comfortable cotton clothes. Loose undergarments are a must. Avoid using undergarments at home. Use loose night dress at home.

Avoid sharing towels, soaps, clothes, and other personal items.

Regular ironing the clothes

Avoid self medication.

Avoid purchasing creams from pharmacy with chemist advise.

Maintain good personal hygiene.

Improving life style habits

Timely treatment from skin specialist


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