General Skin Well Being

Sun & your skin

Sunlight can be used to treat some skin diseases, but overexposure causes sunburn, wrinkles, freckles, skin texture changes, dialated blood vessels and skin cancers.   The sun rays Sun produces both visible and invisible rays. The invisible rays known as UVA and UVB cause suntan, sunburn and sun damage. There is no safe UV light. […]

General Well Being

Diet & lifestyle for healthy skin & hair

Skin & hairs are reflection of your health. Whenever there is ill health it shows first on skin & hair. For good health one should have proper food & sleep on time. Breakfast by 8-9 am, lunch by 1-2 pm, dinner by 7-8 pm. Early dinner by 7 pm will help you in avoiding metabolic […]

Well Being

What Are Sunscreens?

What Are Sunscreens? Sunscreens are products which contain several ingredients that help to prevent the ultraviolet (UV) radiations of sun from reaching the skin. Two types of ultraviolet radiation, UVA and UVB, damage the skin. Sunscreens vary in their ability to protect against UVA and UVB. General information: Sunlight consists of two types of harmful […]

Well Being

What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?

What is PCOS? Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex disorder of the reproductive hormones and metabolism in women. It is very common, occurring in 7-10% or reproductive age women, and it is the most common cause of irregular menstrual cycles and infertility in women in their reproductive years.   What are polycystic ovaries?   […]

Acne Well Being

Acne Food Myths

Food Myths in Acne Food like oily food, chocolates, ice cream or any other food has no role in causing pimples. The oily skin of the face is due to oil produced by the oily glands under the influence of the male sex hormone. Consuming large quantity of chocolates, or eggs or oily food which […]

Well Being

How to get the best from your doctor

No one likes being ill, which is why most of us don’t like going to the doctor. Doctor’s clinics also bring back childhood fears of painful injections & unpleasant blood tests. Consequently, most of us make very poor use of our doctors, using them only as crutches when we are ill. However, the doctor-patient relationship […]

Well Being

How to stay slim

Weight loss can be achieved only when the output of calories exceeds the intake of calories. Neither fasting nor the use of drugs, which are being so widely advertised by the self-proclaimed beauticians, can help you. In fact, they have many dangerous side effects including death if you are unlucky. Some of these drugs being […]