
What is dry skin and how to cure dry skin

When the skin loses its moisture, it appears as dry, whitish flaky, skin.

Why do you get it?

Our skin is made of 3 layers, epidermis, dermis & fat. Epidermis is the outer cover which we see over the body. The upper most layer of epidermis is made of dead skin containing natural oils which retains water in the skin. This impermeable layer protects our body from germs & other irritating substances entering inside our body. In dry skin, natural oils are lost; thereby skin cannot retain the water, leading to dry, flaky skin.

It can be hereditary, or due to weather or due to some illness in the body. It is seen in the family suffering from asthma or common cold & skin allergy. It can be due dry weather like in Bangalore where the atmospheric humidity is low. This dries up the skin & worsens in winter. It can be due to hormonal problem like diabetes, & hypothyroid diseases. Skin becomes drier as we age.


How does it appear?

Skin appears as dry, whitish flaky over the arms, thighs, legs sometimes over the abdomen & back. It can appear in age group, more commonly in elderly. It is seen equally in both sexes. Skin will be itchy & irritated. If severe, it might ooze or crust or get infected with pus.


How long will it continue:

It is seen throughout the life in the affected families, diabetics & hypothyroid patients. For others it is seen in winter or in places of low humidity. It improves immediately in places of higher humidity like coastal areas.


What are the aggravating factors for dry skin:

Harsh soap, frequently changing to different brands of soaps, vigorously rubbing the body with towel, scrubbing the body with loofa, or stone, or plastic/metal scrapers, hot showers.

Bidi/Cigarette smoking aggravates dry skin.


Complications of Dry skin:

In some it can lead to eczema or secondary infection, skin thickening.


Prevention-Dry skin care tips:

Bathing or showering should be at least for 10 min with lukewarm water.

Avoid hot water, as it removes your natural skin oils.

Add a tsp of oil for each bucket of bath water so that skin becomes soft & oily.

Use a mild soap (super fatted soap or non-soap cleanser) with neutral PH.

Do not rub to dry you skin after bathing. Instead pat your skin dry with a towel.

Patient is advised to quit smoking.



General measures:

Apply white petrolatum jelly or coconut oil or liquid paraffin or a moisturizing cream or a lotion, immediately (within 3 min) after the bath, after patting the skin with the towel. This will trap the water on the skin, as you are applying an oily substance to the skin when it is little wet. Whenever you feel the skin is dry moist the skin with a wet towel & apply the oil or petrolatum or moisturizing cream/lotion immediately. Always use a hypo allergic or a dermatologist recommended moisturizing cream or a lotion, as many of the creams or lotions available commercially contains lots of preservatives or perfumes which might cause allergic reactions to some. Use humidifiers or air coolers in your bed room. Avoid dust mites as it aggravates dry skin.

Well balanced meal with lots of vegetables, fruits, proteins, oral fluids (Min-2 liters of fluids/day) helps the skin to retain its texture & moisture.


Specific treatment:

Diabetics & Hypothyroid status to be controlled.

If the skin is itchy your skin specialist can prescribe some antihistamines to relieve the itching.

If there are oozing or crusting or secondary infections, you might require oral antibiotics or corticosteroid creams for applications.

Always avoid self medications, consult your skin specialist before treating your skin.

Prolonged use of steroid creams without doctor recommendation is not advised as it causes side effects like thinning of the skin or whitening of the surrounding skin or secondary infection.



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